



I love's the insects that I can't stand!! I live on the first floor and there's a courtyard I walk through to get to my apartment, because of which I get all sorts of weird critters. House centipedes don't even come close to the wierdness....

House centipedes....those are other scary-looking insects. The first time I saw this was when I was in West Lafayette. I remember my housemate screaming after seeing this one and the only thing I could do to stop her from it was by slamming my umbrella (the only thing that was available in 5 ft. radius) on that poor creature. I squished it, she vacuumed it and for days, she didn't step in the area where it was killed!!

Last month, I saw one of those in my bath tub and didn't know what it was. Oh man, can those things run!!! So anyway, I saw this one in my bathtub about a month ago. It was the nastiest thing I had ever seen (the one I killed before blended into the carpet so I didn't know exactly what it looked like), and I got scared. So I turned on the hottest water available, and drowned it. I know...I know, you guys are probably thinking I'm mean. But hey, I was alone with this scary creature. I couldn't sleep peacefully for the rest of the night because I kept wondering if my apartment was full of these insects!!So the next day, I googled it and found out it was just a house centipede. I found it in my bathroom sink and bathtub a couple of times after that but didn't bother to kill it because they're supposed to eat other nasty crawlies. This is what it looks like.

Last week, I killed another unknown insect. I still don't know what it is though. Maybe a millipede? No idea...bottom line is that it's scary.

And therefore, I always keep Raid in my apartment!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

stone centipede