


Daytime, primetime, news: Dumber, dumber, dumbest!

I have always hated daytime television. There's nothing good on it except maybe a program or two like Oprah and Ellen. I absolutely HATE the soaps.....I have commitment issues in my personal life, how am I going to commit to watching a soap for 15 years? And if that wasn't enough, even primetime television got crappier! You can check that out here.

With most channels out, the only thing I could watch were the news channels like CNN and MSNBC (and occasionally FOX to balance things out!). But that was ruined last Thursday when the only thing I could watch on TV was a freakin' 'balloon boy' who wasn't even on the balloon!! WTF!!! I understand that the 24-hour news channels don't have enough news to cover for 24 hours (remember the Michael Jackson coverage?) but this is taking it a bit too far, don't you think? I don't want to watch some boy who wasn't on a balloon being called lucky, I don't want to see that family on TV for doing NOTHING, and I most definitely don't want to see a kid THROW UP on TV!!!! He was on the news for NOT flying in a balloon and then he was on the news for throwing up on national television while interviewing for the other news!! DOES THAT MAKE SENSE?? aaarrggghhhh!!

I would kill just so that the news channels had some actual news to report!!!! When did the media get so obsessed with non-doers? Hey, I haven't done anything with my life, does that qualify me for Larry King Live? Fame whores...ugh! Where did the things that mattered go? There was a time when you got celebrity news only on E! it's round the clock on all channels! You know you're in a shit-hole when you can remember your favorite celeb's bra size but not the country where Istanbul is located! Wake up and smell the poop...we're crapping ourselves!


Second Life? Don't think I'd want this even in my 100th Life!

In my defense, it was a Monday and I was bored!
I came across an old issue of Counseling Today, which talked about the usefulness of Second Life in therapy, specially for people who had social anxiety and phobias. I had come aross SL a while ago, almost about 2 years back, when it was supposedly a huge deal. At that time, I was into different kind of computer games, First-person Shooter (FPS) games like Doom and Half-life, so I hadn't given it a shot. Anyway, I tried SL sometime back and that was some experience!!
I chose a name, downloaded the software, and logged on to SL. I (or my avatar/character/player) fell to the ground....literally....with others falling on top of her. Well, it didn't look as good as it sounds, believe me! So anyway, I spent about 45 minutes in the tutorial section, by the end of which I was ready to get out from that area. Newsflash: People in SL don't walk or drive, they "teleport". You pick an area and teleport.

The first area I teleported to was some Avatar Island or something, where people (I later learnt that they could've been 'bots') answered my questions like what I can do in SL, where I can find more people, etc. The person helping me was really nice and she said I needed to get a "skin" and some clothes and all, and asked me to follow her. I went to a place where you could get clothes for free. Free? I thought everything was free in SL, but alas, it isn't! You pay for a lot of shitty shit, like skins, name it! Oh yeah, and hard-ons!! So, there I got my skin, clothes, eyes, and all that shizzle.

Then this person took me to a place called a "university", where she was learning if!! Hey, at least she was trying! And then something weird happened...she teleported me to some place where avatars were dancing....that's all they were doing, at least on the outside. I entered inside and saw pairs of tiny pink balls everywhere but no one to be seen. So that gal asked me to "use" one of the balls and before I knew it, she was humping me!! And I was, like, dudeeee....gerroffmee!

So while she was humping me (dry hump rather since I still had my clothes on!), I was thinking how I could escape from the clutches of the crazy, psycho lesbian! Finally, I teleported myself to some social island (and I use the term 'social' loosely), still shaking from the incident!! Anyway, I was outside on my own again and decided to explore the "social" island. Social, my ass?!! I couldn't find a single person for miles and when I finally did, he wouldn't say a word!!

So, I decided to teleport to another social island, but the same story was repeated for the next 4-5 "social" islands. Getting tired of this nonsense, I clicked on an adult island, and lo and behold!! People!!! All sick, perverted, twisted, naked, ugly-in-real-life people! Not to say that actual people would not get turned on by this shit, but virtual reality isn't my thing and I really was not ready to type all the way...hell, there are better options!!

I left the adult island and went to a couple of other social islands but couldn't find a single soul. Now, I don't know which world the creators of Second Life live in, but the places where I've been to, they're always packed with people....10 peeps/meter of walking! I don't think I really want to live such a lonely, pathetic Second Life. Why would I want to live in a world where the only place I can meet people are fuck-islands? Honestly!!!

I survived my Second Life for a day (few hours in first/actual life) and I don't think I'll ever become THAT desperate to actually consider Second Life my second life. It might be a good outlet for .001% of the normal population or 75% of the perve population, but for me, hell looks better!!


Shouldn't have done the Crime if you can't do the Time

It doesn't matter how good of an actor or director you are, RoPo, you called this shit upon yourself. He pleaded guilty to unlawful intercourse with a minor when he was 44 y/o. The girl was 13! THIRTEEN!!! Did she look like she was 18? Did she act like she was 18? Polanski should've known better...or not! But that's not what pisses me off....Hollywood pisses me off. They need to shut the fuck up! Whoopi said, "I don't believe it was rape-rape". Well, if people don't know, they shouldn't speculate what it was or wasn't. If the same shit had happened to someone famous by a non-famous person, people would be all over the rapist.

According to the reports, the girl was drugged, and actually did say no the Polanski. And the other thing is that he pleaded guilty. So where's the problem? He is not being tried again, at least not just yet...then why is Hollywood getting its knickers in a twist? For one thing, whatever Polanski is, he isn't above the law. When you let him go, you set the example for others to do the same. Essentially, you're telling the privileged that they can do whatever they want as long as they're famous and have the money, isn't it? Is this the example you want to set for rest to follow?

Another thing is that when paedophiles get caught, they almost always say, "this was the first time". Yeah, right...and I'm god! Most such incidents aren't reported because of the extreme shame that the victim goes of the reasons why majority of the rapes aren't reported.

So Polanski, it doesn't matter how fucked-up your past has been, that isn't an excuse for screwing a minor, you disgusting piece of shit!