


Not Another Apple Wannabe...yawn!!

If you follow my blog, you know how much I hate Apple and Apple products, including Steve Jobs! If you don't, check it out here.

So yesterday, I had an opportunity to meet yet another Apple convert who didn't know anything about his MacBook. He was out in the courtyard, trying to set up his wireless router with max security, and I was sitting in my chair with my Windows OS notebook. After few minutes of trying, he asked me if I knew how to find MAC address on his Mac, so I asked him if he was running Windows or Mac, and he told me his was a MacBook, so he was "obviously" running Mac OS (STRIKE 1!!).

Next, I asked him if he knew how to find MAC address on his PC, at which he said, "MAC address on PC? I thought only Macs have MAC address"!! Oh brother...STRIKE 2!! So then I quickly googled it on my PC and showed the page to him, and he still didn't understand, because the way it was shown on the internet was a bit different than what he had on his Mac. Finally, I had to guide him, step-by-step, so that he could find the MAC (Media Access Control) address.

After he set up his router, we had the following conversation:

Me: So you're a new Mac user, I assume?
Him: No, this is my first notebook but I've used Windows in the past, at my parents' house.
Me: So what made you buy MacBook?
Please say security, efficiency, eco-friendliness, or anything remotely close to this
Him: I really like the way it looks. Even my friends like it. (STRIKE 3!!)

It's a shame, we could've had pretty babies!

Now that's a typical Apple user!! Aaaarrrggghhhhh...I'm starting to think I hate Apple more because of its users than its products!!


An Environmentalist's Dilemma

In case you didn't already know it, I'm an environmentalist...I recycle, reuse, and reduce. I take my canvas grocery bag to the supermarket, I always clean and recycle #1 and #2 plastics, #4 plastic bags, and all recyclable paper, glass, and aluminium. I have switched to CFLs, I use public transportation, have started eating organic as much as I can, and have stopped using shrink wrap. Also, I use cold water for both my clothes and dishes, and take shorter showers (this doesn't compromise my hygiene in any way!!) or turn off the water when shampooing and soaping, when I don't have time for a bath. So today, I finally decided to switch from regular cleaners to environmentally-friendly cleaners.

I was out of dishwashing detergent, so I decided to get one from the supermarket, but right before I stepped out, I watched Dawn's new campaign about saving wildlife, where one can buy specially marked Dawn bottles and donate $1 to save the wildlife. TEMPTING!!!! The penguin, duck, and otter in the commercial were sooooo cutee! In the ad, they showed them being cleaned with Dawn after an oil spill...and they all got squeaky clean and even cuter!!

So, I decided to get Dawn and forgot about environmentally-safe detergents. But as I was standing in the cleaners' aisle, I couldn't decide on which one to buy...Greenworks or Dawn. So I just stood there, reading label for one and then the other, and then repeating the action at least 3 more times. I probably looked a bit shady doing that..or confused, so after 5 minutes of reading labels and standing at the same spot, an assistant came and asked me if I needed help. I told him I was having a problem deciding which detergent to buy, at which he looked at my canvas shopping bag and said, "'re all into organic, I believe. Thus the trouble deciding?" I was like, No, you turd, it's 'coz imma Libran!! Not really, I just smiled at him, at which he suggested I should buy both.

Now wait a minute, you don't think I'm THAT dumb, do you? I ended up buying GreenWorks because it was free of dyes, chemicals, and it had biodegradable preservatives, and you didn't need to call a Poison Control Center if you swallowed it (you never's me!!). I'm still wondering if I did the right thing, because I obviously couldn't buy 2 bottles....that would last me a year!! And I thought that you didn't have to worry about making these kind of decisions if you were an environmentalist!!! Oh well....

Dawn's campaign ends on October 1, 2009. Their goal is to collect $500,000 and they have collected about $18,200. While PA and NY have it over $1000, states like ND, SD, and VT are still in two-digits!! I'm assuming people in VT are buying green products, while people in SD and ND don't have internet access or they're only buying detergents that come in buckets...!! For the rest of you, BUY DAWN!


How Fucked Up is Josh?

I'm studying for GRE General Test, and I just came across this problem. Problem is okay, maybe a bit difficult for me (I hate probability), but that's not what I'm thinking.... All I can think about is poor Josh and how fucked up and bored he must be to do this. This is how the problem goes:

Josh works on the second floor of a building. There are 10 doors to the building and 8 staircases from the first to the second floor. Josh decided that each day, he would enter by one door and leave by a different one, and go up one staircase and down another. How many days could Josh do this before he had to repeat a path he had previously taken? 80, 640, 800, 5040, or 6400. (Obviously, since I was thinking about Josh, I said 80, which is WRONG!! Oh well...)

Now, why would a person pick a new door and staircase everytime? Doesn't he have a life? How can he remember which one he took in the morning after working for 10 straight hours? What if he used one to get lunch? If the answer is 5040, it means he can do this for 13.8 years!! Hope he gets fired before that...jackass!

My next question, who is the real loser? Me or him? =oD