


How Fucked Up is Josh?

I'm studying for GRE General Test, and I just came across this problem. Problem is okay, maybe a bit difficult for me (I hate probability), but that's not what I'm thinking.... All I can think about is poor Josh and how fucked up and bored he must be to do this. This is how the problem goes:

Josh works on the second floor of a building. There are 10 doors to the building and 8 staircases from the first to the second floor. Josh decided that each day, he would enter by one door and leave by a different one, and go up one staircase and down another. How many days could Josh do this before he had to repeat a path he had previously taken? 80, 640, 800, 5040, or 6400. (Obviously, since I was thinking about Josh, I said 80, which is WRONG!! Oh well...)

Now, why would a person pick a new door and staircase everytime? Doesn't he have a life? How can he remember which one he took in the morning after working for 10 straight hours? What if he used one to get lunch? If the answer is 5040, it means he can do this for 13.8 years!! Hope he gets fired before that...jackass!

My next question, who is the real loser? Me or him? =oD

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