


Featured weirdo: Jesse Jackson

Ahh....thanks to the election, we have new issues cropping up every second. And thanks to Jesse Jackson!!
It started with this:

This is Jesse Jackson speaking into a microphone he thought was off.

Few days later, he made it into the news...again! He apparently used the n-word for Obama. It was discussed on The View the next day:

Whoopi says "This is a word that has meaning when you give it meaning", and I completely agree with her. African Americans use this word when they're talking amongst themselves, e.g. "I saw that n*** the other day" without any problems, but there is a reason why it is a racial slur. It started when Whites started calling Blacks n****s in a derogatory manner. The same applies to the word f** for gays. If you're gay, you can use the term f** but if you're straight, then using that term will light a fire. When you use the term f****t to describe a gay person, what you're really trying to do is bringing him down, and hence, this term should not be used.

Some might argue that this isn't fair, and that this word should be eliminated from the dictionary altogether (as Elisabeth Hasselback on The View suggested), but the truth is that if this word didn't have a negative connotation, it would be like any other word. We are the ones who gave meaning to this word, and when it's taken away from us, we become maniacs and argue why one group can use it and other cannot. So before using the word, know the history.

As for Jesse Jackson, if he used the term n**** to refer Obama as a person, i.e. a pronoun, I don't see anything wrong with it, but if he used it as an adjective, well....Jackson's already crazy!!

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