



I love Mrs. X.....oh how I love her. I have mentioned her in my earlier post about adoption, check it out here. I love her for only one reason....conversations with her are always stimulating and they bring me back to reality. They make me realize why I'm not like her and why I could never be like her....oh how I love her!!

So the other day, we had a stimulating least for me. For her, I'm pretty sure it was a nasty one. Just to inform you, I was brought up in a culture where we were taught to respect people, especially the elders, and that's why I couldn't tell her the things I wanted to tell her. But at the same time, it was difficult for me to not speak my mind...aah...the wonders of being rooted in two very different cultures! Nevertheless, I did say what I had to while being respectful.

So that day's topic was religion. How did that come up? She said that I should fast for a day (yeah, right!!) each week which would help me land a job.... Yeah, don't even get me started!! Then she asked me, "You don't believe in religion though, do you? That's the problem with the new generation". Seriously? FYI, that's not the problem with 'new generation', that's the problem with makes us question useless beliefs! So then I proceeded to tell why I'm a nonbeliever (I hate the use of the word "atheist" because I don't "believe" that God doesn't exist, I just don't believe s/he does......very different!).

Fasting??? REALLY??? I have never done that in my life! I know there were girls in my school who used to do it for 9 days each year, to get a 'good husband'....Oh the horror!!! Thank god (just an expression, don't get your knickers in a twist) my parents weren't religious!! So anyway, Mrs. X said I should fast because even if it didn't work, it wouldn't be harmful ("except for my metabolism", I mumbled). Then, out of nowhere, she said that I should turn to religion and god, because the only way is up. OUCH!!! That was way below the belt...!

Now, I could've said something equally insulting/hurtful, but I realized she is a family friend, older than my mom, so I let it go. But my question is, what is the deal with religious people? Why are they always trying to convert you? I don't go around knocking on people's doors asking them to support my beliefs! I don't try to convert religious ones into nonbelievers (although it wouldn't be difficult). And I respect all religious people (except religious zealots). So why can't they?

If believing in freedom and respect for all, believing in science, and having transgendered friends screams depravity, then be it. Go ahead, live your pious, moral life with your ignorance and naivete...!

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