Few days ago, the weather was perfect. Not too hot, not too cold, just perfect. Then on Wednesday, everything changed and the world came crashing down....it's officially fall! I know people who love Fall. To them, Fall paves a road to the Holiday season - another season that I hate!! Fall's fucking depressing. It's cloudy and gloomy and wet and raining and cold and the days get shorter. The only good thing about Fall are the trees' changing colors. But then again, those colors are gloomy as well. All we have are shades of red and yellow...who cares? The other day, this person said, "smell that air, it smells like Fall, I'm loving it". To me, Fall just smells like dead leaves rotting in cold rain water. Hell yeah, if I go down, I'm taking all of you with me!!
But seriously, Fall wouldn't hurt me so much if it wasn't always thrown in my face like this, what with apple cider and pumpkin pies!! Before I know it, it's going to be turkey and eggnog. Two weeks back, I walked into this supermarket to get my groceries and they already had Halloween masks and pumpkins there...CAN YOU PLEASEEE LET ME FUCKING MILK EVERY DROP OF SUMMER I CAN? You won't understand the 'unsignificance' of this season if you've never lived in cold weather, 'cause it blows harder than a dumb blonde! I've seen Fall in other countries and let me tell you this, it's an overkill here in the US. Without doubt, every holiday is an overkill, but Christmas is the worst...!
I'm not against Christmas, in fact, I love Christmas and all the great deals and the shopping and...did I mention the great deals?..that go with it. But it's sooooo superficial and sweet that it just makes me puke my guts out everytime I think about it. Throughout the year, people are rude to each other, people don't care about others and don't give a shit about anybody else, but at Christmas, they get together like it's no one's business and a week later, they go their separate ways. Seriously? SERIOUSLY?? Why even bother with that shit? The way I see it, people during and after the holiday season exhibit Borderline personality disorder traits, which is basically "I love you, then I hate you, then I love you".... It's like an on-off switch that goes on as soon as the holiday season approaches. And no, I'm not Scrooge or the Grinch, although I really sympathize with them!
That's the reason why I have seasonal depression. For me, September to December are months of HELL!!!! If it was either one of the 2 things, cold weather or nauseating people, I would be able to handle it, but the combination of these two is enough to kill even a sociopath!!
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