Three things that should never come together: a packed bus, a cell phone, and a loud guy who just had a fight with his girlfriend! And this is exactly what happened today. I'm usually very accepting of people who use their phones on public transportation...I mean hell, that's why we HAVE mobile phones in the first place. But I guess every now and then, someone misses the Cell Phone Etiquette 101 and ruins it for all of us, and unfortunately, today was on of those days.
So, this guy is having a loud conversation on a packed bus, and few rows down, I can still hear him loud and clear.....DESPITE MY MP3 PLAYER!!!! Dude, I don't want to hear what happened with your girlfriend (she was mad at him, and had just lost her job), I definitely don't want to know about your plans for tonight (drinking cheap Australian Pinot Grigio he got for $6.99, before going to Old City for dinner because he doesn't want to spend on wine at the restaurant), I obviously don't want to be able to hear it despite my MP3 player and disrupt my music, and I ABSOLUTELY DON'T want to hear it 3 times!!! Yes, folks, 3 fucking times on three phone calls in that 20-minute period!!! He needs some fucking therapy, is all I can say!!
In conclusion, I just want to say that if you need to talk on your wireless devices, please be considerate about others, especially if you're loud. Don't talk about your personal problems because you never know who is carrying a gun! Didn't your momma tell you not to air your dirty laundry in public?? And finally, don't use a packed bus as your therapeutic environment, because you're just ticking others wonder your girlfriend is mad atcha!!!